Stress Awareness

There are so many different things we think of when we hear that dreaded “S” word – STRESS.  Doctors and therapists ask us about it.  Families remind us we are overstressed.  Our inability to go to sleep without 95 position changes and maybe a sleep aid reminds us daily.  Even though daily we often say, “I’m fine.”  

So the question is “what do we do about our stress?”

The answer is not one you’ll necessarily like because you must examine the “what, why, and how” of stress.  What is causing you stress?  Why and how is it causing you stress?  When we start to examine these questions, the answers may not be so easy. 

Oftentimes we have more questions than we have answers at the end of our self-examination.  Some of the answers could be “of course I’m stressed I work 65 hours a week.”  Then you have to ask yourself the even harder questions.  Is it possible to speak with your supervisor and potentially shift some workload or making your day more flexible?  More than ever post-Covid workers’ professional lives are colliding as they are literally all happening in the same place, our homes.  That can be a difficult situation in itself. 

Maybe some stressors are helping with the care of an elderly family member.  Is it a possibility to hire some additional help if there are not others willing to assist?  Or is there a possibility that insurance will cover a personal care attendant to assist?

While all of these issues are things many of you may be dealing with, it could likely be everyday life that’s also causing you stress. 

Things like making sure the fridge is stocked, kids are picked up, there’s going to be an event to attend that you’re dreading, the car is making a funny noise, and there’s another activity you volunteered for because you just felt like you should. 

Unfortunately, the answer to helping manage stress doesn’t involve a magic wand and three wishes. How much simpler that would be. It does involve you being mindful in the moment. If you have three things that have to be done tomorrow including the grocery store, can you order your groceries online tonight for pickup or delivery?  If you have a headache and are struggling to focus on the same document for the last 15 minutes, how about you step away, get some water, and take a quick walk around your office or house.  Then go back and see if the focus is better.  Try meditating in the morning to assist you with setting a positive tone for the day.  There are many useful guided meditations on platforms such as you tube.  Instead of reaching for chocolate at 3 p.m. when you’re really dreading that last meeting, eat an apple and drinks some more of that water!

Acknowledge what your stressors may be and come up with a plan to address them the best way that you can.  These tips won’t eliminate stress from your life but will assist you in moving forward with awareness and perhaps a different attitude toward stress.

As always, I encourage you to refresh your mind; and be well. 


The Aftereffects of Trauma